Collaging photographic images has become an interesting hybrid form of art work, with many experimenting with the medium. Nadine Broughton was featured recently in Lens/cratch: Fine Art Photography Daily. As Aline Smithson points out her imagery, using vintage sources, “explores the psychology, politics and polarities of mid-century” US culture.

Other artist like Jessie Craig who creates works in photography and film also dedicates some of her time to creating collages like the ones that are above. Here work is very different from Broughton’s work, as it avoids the tradition process of cutting and pasting printed images on a background.
In instagram if you explore any hashtag that starts with #collage you can see a wide range of individuals exploring this method of creating images. One of my favourite contributors is @smallditch. Martha Haversham’s, an interdisciplinary artist has a great instagram feed filled with creative collage images. Her departure from the traditional, buy simply assembling an image, photographing it and the the assemblage is discarded. So the image only exists as a photograph.

Both are again quite different from Rauschenberg’s experiments with collage in the 60’s, as you can see from the image below.

This art form was also popular with Braque and Picasso and their work went on to inspire Dadaist to experiment with this image creating method.

Even the Surrealist found this an interesting method to experiment with their “automatic” method using the subconscious , as you can see in the image below.