Edward Peck
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein
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The Triad
The Ups and Downs of Shutter Speed
The Ups and Downs of Aperture
The Ups and Downs of ISO
Buying a Camera When to Buy and How to Research
What Size Camera to Buy
DJI Pocket 3 the iPhone and Microphones
Camera Filters
Processing Photographs
Ten-Step RAW Processing
Digital Photography File Formats
Printing Processes and Collecting
Masks in Lightroom and Capture One
Noise Reduction Lightroom and Third-Party Apps
Preparing Images for Books
Primarily Using Masks to Process using Lightroom
Is Digital-Based Image making Photography?
The 27inch iMac Predicament
Painting with Light
Experimental Photography
Chemigram Cyanotype Experiments
Historical Photographic Processes and Modern Experimentation
Experimental Photography
Courses in Developing Your Photographic Eye
The 360 Exercise and the Stage Zones
Typology or Series Exercise
Narrative Exercise
Zen Exercise
Lenses, Field of View, Distortion and Compression
Composition and Framing
Panoramic Photography
Getting Started with Street Photography
Dynamic Range
Low Light Challenge
Miscellaneous Resources
Where to Exhibit
Photographic Artists
Photographer’s Quotes
Gonzales Hill, the Salish Sea and Garry
Gonzales Hill, the Salish Sea and Garry
Post navigation
Spoon Bay Beach High Tide
Cove Rock