A typology can be explored more in-depth by reading through Paul Davis’s article Can the Photographic Typology be Defined? However, for our purposes, I would suggest a typology establishes a relationship between several images that share no apparent connection. The images, when presented, should have a similar look and feel, perhaps in their background, method of composition or environment. There should be a consistency of lighting or framing.
The images with links give you four examples of a typology series. They are presented in several ways, some in a fixed grid, others in series one after another. Other times in galleries, they are framed separately but hung in a grid. There are no hard or fast rules on how you would present a typology or series.
Some photographers often come to rest on a theme that they use to create a series. One such artist is Andrew Ward who is working on a series called Sofas of LA.
The following are a few examples, the first one is in fact a series but I have taken the liberty of showing it as a typology:

Translate, and Reinterpret Mid-Century America
By Amanda Gorence on April 4, 2013