The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein
The Tenaille House
The Tenaille House, was built by Dan Tenaille in 1904 a Parisien. The house had 13 rooms, Acetylene lighting, and running water from a spring in the hillside above. He and his wife had four children while in the hills. Dan brought many beautiful horses, Percherons and thoroughbreds. One of his hobbies was photography and he had a darkroom. He was a great hunter and owned the first car in the country. In 1912 seeing it was the end of the open range, he tried to purchase more land but none was for sale so sold out and moved to the West Indies. As he had military experience in France the Canadian Govternment called him in 1914 to take command of a Battalion, He was killed in his first action in 1915.